Back in the 80’s before CDs were a thing, before Napster and MP3s and digital media, folks used to talk about constantly replaying the same negative tapes in your head, and the negative impact they can have on one’s attitude and mental health.
While the “playing a negative tape on a loop” phrase is dated, the idea behind it is not.
Maybe another way of thinking about things in your situation could be deleting one file/video, and downloading yourself a new one. Maybe a movie that says, “Hey we’re all born with an hourglass ticking down, and none of us knows when we’re going to run out of sand.”
In that regard, you’re no different than any of the rest of us. So live your life as if you got a thousand years left to go , or none at all. Like we all do, in different diametrically opposed modes from time to time.
For James Dean it was a car wreck. The day the music died, it was a plane crash. Despite the fact it makes hilarious jokes in very poor taste (see what I did there?), Mama Cass did not die choking on a ham sandwich. Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Amy winehouse we’re all done in by their various chosen vices.
Time is neither Ally nor enemy. It merely is . . . And as Freddie Mercury sang, it waits for nobody: