Here you come again . . .

( or . . . Geez! Why won’t that Uppity Faggot™ just shut the hell up already?!)

Eric Griggs
4 min readMar 12, 2018


Hi Phaylen Fairchild, it’s that annoyingly contrarian and Faggotty™gadfly buzzing about again. It would be great to meet you in real-life as I hope we would be able to have a kiki and find some subjects on which to dish together in fun.

I’ll admit, I never really watched the Roseanne show when it was on the air.

“I hope this isn’t going to take long, Captain Peacock. The last time I was late, a fireman had to climb out of my bedroom window and risk his life on a narrow ledge tryin’ to grab hold of my pussy.”

I have never been a big fan of the sit-com genre, M*A*S*H and Are You Being Served? notwithstanding.

(Aunty James Finn clutches his pearls in amazement at the sound of that revelation!)

Still, I’ve gotten my recommended-decade-allowance of Rosanne to fulfill the needs of my balanced, culturally literate TV diet.

Roseanne Barr is a difficult one to pigeonhole in any way.

The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.” — Roseanne Barr

She’s been certifiably cuckoo, and bravely, honestly, and openly leveraged her personal madness into a better understanding of the issues associated with mental-health and mental-health care.

As you say, she’s crass and foul-mouthed (as I can be from time-to-time) and her vocal positions on Israel clearly don’t align with those of the political Left.

It didn’t take me too long to verify what you said about Barr being a reliable Trump supporter, and a purveyor of pernicious conspiracy theories to boot:

So . . . on all points directly related to Mrs. Barr, I give you my full agreement.

That takes care of 99% of your post.

Now . . .

about that other 1% . . .

Maybe calling for a boycott of the show is precisely the wrong thing to do?

If you will indulge my contrarian tendencies, and take a few moments to read this piece from the show’s executive producer and co-show-runner, Whitney Cummings:

Cummings shares her views about why tuning-in to follow the folks in the Connor home can give us some very valuable insights for understanding the folks who brought about this age of Trump — and possibly for helping to find a way forward, out of this mess.

According to Cummings the show will make viewers:

Roseanne, returning Tuesday, March 27th at 8pm EST on ABC

“ . . . feel like you’re going home to visit relatives who you may not always align with politically or philosophically, that you may have anger toward, but that you still respect and love because they’re smart, self-aware, and always make you laugh. Maybe since the Conners are not actually your relatives, you can listen long enough to face some of your own prejudices and think, ‘I guess I never thought of it that way,’ or ‘I don’t agree with what this person believes, but I can now understand why they believe it.’ If nothing else, you’ll get to hear that iconic laugh again . . . ”

I agree with Cummings — there’s real value in listening intently to folks with whom we don’t always agree, especially when the stakes are this high.

I used to be madly in love with a guy who was, for me, a total disaster; he was a liar, a criminal, indeed he had every vice you wouldn’t want the object of your own affection to possess.

It was then that I heard this awesome tune from Gay Diva Dolly Parton finally speaking to me.

Take it away, Dolly:

Well, Hello Dolly!



Eric Griggs

Juxtaposeur, technical analyst, process engineer, poet wordsmith, INTJ, Anansi, MBTI certified practitioner & team-builder, certifiable fabulist & Uppity Queer™