Irons in the Fire
Hi Sherry,
I took a part time job just before Christmas:
I have not had health coverage in several years and probably need to have a few things looked at . . . so the Big Blue Swedish Box has taken up a bit of my time lately.
Last week, as part of a secret Power Puff Girls mission, I did some good deeds in West Virginia on my way up to visit fellow partner in crime Gwen. I arrived on the (then) coldest day of the year (-11 ℉) where we drove a slightly singed fire truck off a cliff like Thelma and Louise. I was Thelma.
This bit of vehicular madness is part of a hare-brained scheme involving the charitable provision and production of jobs, tiny houses, chickens, goats, soaps, orris, rainbow hued hot sauces, fruitcake, and gay craft-brewed ales and hard liquor.
As a Protestant free agent and Taoist Pontiff with krinkly edges, I have only recently become aware of the Catholic Worker Movement — and yet its aims and mine (and I think Gwen’s too) are oddly in alignment. It is a Thing That Makes Me Go Hmmmm.
Here we are on the shores of Lake Michigan; certain parts of my body are still thawing from the chill:
Here is a bizarre video that has nothing to do with anything else I’ve written . . . but it’s fun to watch:
I think this might be music appropriate for brushing one’s teeth and/or cleaning the lint trap.