That Hot Librarian
with a Secret Purple Motorcycle
I want to take moment to appreciate one of my favorite childhood TV characters, bodacious 1960s-era Batgirl, as realized by Yvonne Craig.

The show I’m referring to is, of course, of the campy classic Batman.
I enjoyed it as a child — after school, in syndication, a decade after it first aired in prime-time.
I always turned giddy at the sound of the words, “Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.”
Typically, when a new, younger character joins the cast of a popular TV show, it’s sign that said show is getting ready to Jump the Shark.
Not so with Batman!

Things were just warming up when we were introduced to Barbara Gordon, the librarian daughter of Police Commissioner Gordan.
To my eyes, that was the point when when the show shifted into high-gear!
I’m of the opinion that Batman never jumped that shark at all, ending its third and final season on top of its game.
(Batman even survived the Other Darrin trope, cycling through three magnificent Catwomen including my own personal Gay Diva, Eartha Kitt!)

While millionaire Bruce Wayne had all of Wayne Manor under which to build his Batcave, Batgirl managed a magnificent revolving dressing room in her tiny Gotham City apartment!
Even the folks at Ikea couldn’t fit that much style into such a tiny space.
Batgirl had a space-aged iris-opening boiler-hatch behind which she could hide her motorcycle.
Holy Set Design!

Get a load of that skin-tight, sparkle-y purple costume and shiny yellow cape!
That low-slung golden belt precariously dangling beneath Yvonne’s tiny little wast.
That scarlet-ginger wig with the magnificent flip curls peeking out under her face-flattering cowl!
Let’s not forget those oh-so-sensible Batgirl-boots with crime-fighting kitten heels.
Now dig that chopper!

Take a moment to appreciate the removable circular windscreen, white lace and gold fringe.
How about that big gold lame bow on the back?
Only his Royal Purple Badness, Prince, had a motorcycle in the same league as Batgirl’s.
Adam West’s Batman was suavely cerebral and hilarious in his measured delivery while Burt Ward’s “Boy Winder”, with his boyish pluck and enormous Bat-package provided plenty of “Sshwing!” moments.
Nothing made me happier, however, than that moment when Yvonne Craig transformed before our eyes into Batgirl, arriving later on the scene, astride that purple hog!
Yvonne died three years ago of metastatic breast cancer.
RIP Batgirl, we love you: